Me and my ex, let's just call her Jill were together for about 5 months, it ended in may 2013, Jill ended it over text, no explanation, out of the blue, it hurt, I thought I loved her, she said she loved me, she was the first girl I had real feelings for. I didn't know how to take it.
Within 3 weeks Jill'd moved on, another guy I was abit annoyed but I was genuinely happy for them aswell. One of Jill's friends came up to me during their relationship about 4 months in saying how much Jill was falling for him, how he was her everything... I wanted to say I didn't care, but deep in my heart it hurt abit. After 8 months of being them together, it ended, he cheated on her. He had took Jill's virginity when they were together for 8 months, people told me how devestated she was that she'd lost her first 'love'. I did feel sorry for her abit, naturally it would hurt, she will probably always remember him. Never the less I thought I was over her, until 3 days ago.
We were at a party, we started talking, it all came back to me... We slept together that night ( no sex just cuddled and hooked up ) I lay there confused, all the old feelings were backI've started texting her again, she flirts with me and she wants me to meet her, should I go? She's still the same girl I knew before, the one who made me happy. My friends keep telling me I can do better than her and I've been with other girls since we were together, but it's never been the same as when I was with Jill :L my head says no stop being an idiot, but my heart says yes show her you can also be something special to her... sorry for the long message, any reply would be appreciated thanks :)
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