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Husband Wants to Meet Female Friend While on Vacation

Hey guys,

Sorry, I know I've been posting on here a lot lately, but you've all given me such good advice and I don't know who else to talk to :)

So, my husband is going out of town in 2 days to visit his family. I was originally supposed to join him, but due to immigration issues I cannot leave the country I am currently living in. I am very disappointed I can't go, but he will be visiting his son and family, and I didn't feel it would be appropriate to ask him to cancel his plans.

2 days ago, he became friends with a girl on Facebook. He says they worked together almost 10 years ago, and now she is engaged with a new baby. They talked for a few hours the other night, and I saw that she was messaging him this morning.

Tonight I asked him if he planned on visiting any of his friends while back home, and he did say he might meet up with this girl. He said they spoke about getting their kids together. I was a little uncomfortable with this and asked him if I have anything to worry about with this girl. He said no, that they have several things in common and they haven't seen each other in several years.

I'm sure I'm sounding crazy, and I'm sure I'm just overreacting. I'm just bummed I can't go and I don't know how I should feel about him meeting up with some girl I don't know.


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