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Could you forgive these things?

Ok guys, I'm still stuck on what to do with my situation and hate being in limbo...
*Married in May 2009 at age 22.
*Had baby in June 2010.
*He abandoned me 3x in the course of the marriage.
-The 1st time I was pregnant and it was planned and he decided a few months later that I should get an A******N. Kicked me out of our place, I had no job. Was cruel remainder of the pregnancy. Not supportive. Did not care about the well-being of either the baby nor I as I told him we had to keep the stress level down and he continued to tell me how much he hated me, that I was 'coo-coo' because of my anxiety, and that he was really done with me on Valentines day when I was pregnant with his child, just trying to intentionally hurt me. Showed up late to the baby care class and said 'if the baby turns blue you call 911, I know what to do,' then he left early (I was so embarrassed I was the only one with no support and he came late then left early). He threw an empty plastic bottled water at me across the room and threw a bunch of cushions at me while pregnant. He had anger problems and is very strong. He also said I don't need to be here for you, just the baby. He told me he w ould take the baby away from me. Just a cruel person.
-The 2nd time we were saving money living w parents and he decided to move out one day into a 1 BDRM apartment. He said, 'give me a BJ and maybe I won't go', I did, then he left anyways. A few days later he busted his lip after falling on a table when he was drunk w his friends, begging for me back.
-The 3rd time he told me to get out of his house. It is his money. he doesnt love me. He doesnt have to feed me. He was interested in finding his own happiness (some other girl). He would make comments about me and my appearance just to be mean. He had once poked me in the butt while I lay resting on the couch and that caused my leg to come out by reflex and it hit him in the jaw, as he was sitting by the couch. So he intentionally punched me in the hip, badly bruising it, he is double my weight. Another time he came up behind me and pounced on my back, like tackling me like a quarterback would, so by reflex i grabbed tightly as it gave me whiplash and I didn't see it coming and he then said "OUCH!" as I guess my nails hurt him so he swept my legs out from under me and it hurt so bad I thought my leg was injured as I fell.
He has called me names 'stupid skank' and other things I could go on and on. The name calling and the 2 incidents were not while my daughter was home, but still it is so horrible.

After the 3rd time, we agreed on divorce and to see other people. I met a guy who I love very much, then my husband came around and I got back with my husband again. My husband is now almost perfect, towards my daughter and I, FINALLY. It has been since January now. This is what I always wanted from him. BUT, I realize now that I am not in love with my husband anymore and I don't know if I can stay, even if he continues on the nice path. I think about the other guy I met and how healthy that felt. I cannot get over the past torture my husband inflicted upon me.

Now I feel so bad leaving him as maybe he has matured and has it right, but I feel like I deserve to be loved all through the marriage and never damaged that way.


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