Whilst I know that nobody can answer these questions with certainty apart from him, I'd like to know other people's opinions.
So to begin... I am very well in love with my boyfriend. We've been together for about 4 years now but we've only physically been together for less than a year.
From the very beginning we spent every second of our days talking to each other (it was a long distance until September last year) or spending it with each other, whatever it was we were always "together". After a year and 5 months, we broke up because he started treating me not as well (he didn't want to spend so much time with me which was understandable but he basically wouldn't talk to me and I'd have to talk to him, what I mean is he just suddenly went into a kind of no contact mode) and I felt kind of neglected being with him... so I broke up with him.
Like I said, during that time, he just didn't really wanna spend time with me anymore and was a lot more distanced.. like he wouldn't reply to my texts or emails anymore, he didn't really want to visit me anymore etc. Also he had told me he'd been thinking about breaking up with me, and we had a conversation about it (I asked why etc. etc. and he said some stuff blah blah)
After 5 months, he texted me out of nowhere and eventually we got back together again.. and everything was exactly how it was like before (like we'd spend all our time together), except I had a lot of anger in me because of how I felt I was treated before we broke up, but eventually I got over that.
So since then, we've been together but... fast forward to February this year on Valentine's day, he said he wanted to break up with me. So I talked to him about it and then he changed his mind. Except I noticed one thing.. When I asked him why he wanted to etc. he had repeated the same reasons as the time he wanted to break up with me before.
Now before you say anything, I just want you to know that when he randomly contacted me out of nowhere he'd told me the reason he said those things was because he was just repeating what his Mum had been saying to him about her relationship at the time so before you say that there must be a reoccurring problem and that problem is me, I'd just like to say (although I don't remember the reasons he gave me very well) that the reasons weren't really based around me or our relationship.
Anyway, since then (February) things have been really hot and cold. Whenever I am with him physically, he is super nice and loving and whatever, but then when I'm not with him he is a lot more distant sometimes, but then sometimes he's really loving and nice...?
For example... the other day I was talking to him, and he said he missed me (I'm home from uni and we go to the same university) and suggested that I come back earlier, so I said that I'd like to but would he want it and he said yes. So that made me happy obviously, but earlier today I called him and I told him I was thinking about coming back early then, and then I asked him if he'd be okay with that cos I'd obviously wanna see him and stuffs, and then he said "I don't know" and tried to convince me to stay back home longer.
But like I said, from the get go we spent all of our time together and that's how it was when we were at university together too, but since February he hasn't really wanted to spend so much time with me and let's just say it feels like history is repeating itself...
I guess my question is, does it sound like he's getting bored of me and that he doesn't really love me anymore??? Or do you think this is an effect of spending virtually every second of every day together, and that if I give him a nice break, he'll be like how he was again?
I mean.. these days sometimes he tells me he doesn't wanna talk to me or doesn't wanna see me.. so yeah.. hope someone can give me advice or their opinion...
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