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He has a small penis, should I go for round two?

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I've been talking to a guy at my uni for the last couple of months. We were whatsapping and Facebook messaging, snapchatting etc every couple of days at least, however, he never suggested meeting up.

Last week I was out celebrating finishing my exams and he wasn't out. At around 2:00am I messaged him drunk inviting him over to mine and he agreed. When he came over we were talking for ages and ended up having sex. However, he has a really small penis, to the extent when I squeezed when he was inside me I could only just feel it.

The sex was ok, but I was so surprised by his size, however I didn't let on that it was bothering me. He messaged me a couple of after but didn't suggest meeting up again. However, he's a finalist and graduating next month (I'm a second year) so I'm going to see him Friday before he moves back home. I messaged him asking him if he wanted me to come over and he said yeah, but I'm unsure if he's expecting sex. I'd be happy to go for a second round now I know what to expect, but do you think he's expecting one?


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