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Any women here enjoy a good audio/video setup?

So there is something I have been curious about and wonder if it's really just a guy thing. I have always loved getting a good TV and audio set up, yet every one of my ex gfs would tell me it was "such a waste of money" or "I can't tell the difference". I have a 60' plasma TV mounted on my wall and a 5.1 surround sound system, all of which I have payed good money for. However, I have also done lots of work to hide the cables and get optimum performance. I actually don't even have cable, but I do watch blu ray movies and play video games a lot.

And when I have guy friends over they say things to the effect of "wow man, that's an awesome setup". But again, with my ex gfs they never seemed to care. My last ex said she couldn't tell the difference between DVD and Blu Ray. So I am curious, is wanting/enjoying a good aduio/video setup primarily a guy thing?


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