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How can I ever be in a relationship when I am so deeply insecure about myself?

I am a told that I am a good looking guy and to be honest I do have it easy with women. This wasn't always the case as during my university years 18-21 I never really grew into my looks and was a very awkward young man. I am definitely what you call a late bloomer both socially and physically. I am currently working in retail (I know living the dream right?) and have noticed that women do flirt with me often and I have been eyed up a number of times which is all very flattering yet I've never actually been intimate with a woman.

The reason being is because I feel that my penis at 12 cm (4.7 inches) is inadequate to pleasure a woman. I have made out before but nothing beyond that even though I have had numerous chances to do so. I am now at a point in my life where I would like to be in a proper relationship but I also realise that this is not feasible until I overcome my insecurities. Women prefer a man who is emotionally stable and confident in himself because otherwise unfortunately the relationship is built on weak foundations.

I do appreciate the positive aspects of my life; I'm athletic, articulate, fairly intelligent, so called attractive yet this one feature of myself is seriously impacting my self esteem and mental well being quite badly.


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