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Wife doesn't want to try anymore.

My wife had a talk with me the other day. She told me she is not sure she loves me anymore and thinks she wants to separate. She says our 5 years of marriage has worn on her. She says i'm not emotional enough for her and don't show her enough attention and affection like I did when we were dating. She feels like I always reject her in public when she trys to kiss me or hold hands. Ive told her im not a PDA person and it makes me uncomfortable. We have to young children, and she doesn't work.

I apologized for not paying enough attention to her and promised I would be better and told her I was actually thinking I wanted to spice up our marriage a little more. It seemed to fall onto def ears.

So the plan is to sell the house in 4 months and go our separate ways(as much as we can) I told her Id like to try in those four months to turn our marriage around, she said ok. Then, the next day she text me while I was at work and said she changed her mind, she doesn't believe I will change and we will be right back to square one again. So basically she wants to just be roomates til she finds a job and we sell.

She has talked me before about these issues. I guess I didn't take her seriously enough. I don't want a divorce and am at a loss. I feel like she is being selfish in a way and is going to blow up our family to see if the grass is greener somewhere else..


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