Hi everyone!
i'm on here because i really don't have anyone else to look too and plus i'm looking for some different answers then the ones i have already received from a close friend.
I really like this girl, maybe I can say I'm still in love with her. I love everything about her.
I have an ex (ok don't jump to conclusions just because i said EX doesn't mean we hate each other) we broke up almost 3 years ago. And it was somewhat mutual, but of course every relationship that ends one person ends up hurting more, which was me. For about a year after the break up, we never really talked, but when we did bump into each other we would have small talk. She never seemed interested in talking to me as she felt like it was her fault for the break up. But i had a lot of time to reflect, and it was never really her fault. She told me that she didn't feel loved by me. I'm not sure how i didn't love her, i did everything for her. Maybe i wasn't attentive enough to her feelings. She is a cancer and feelings to them is how they express themselves. Anyways, after awhile (maybe about another year) we then started to talk and hang out slowly easing our way back into each others lives. When we talk its cordial and we talked about the break up and i told her i was over it and she seemed a bit relieved. I'm guessing she felt guilt and bad about hurting me? It's somewhat hard to read her sometimes. After i told her that she seemed more talkative with me. I gave it awhile before i would ask what she thought of me... when i did she gave me the response "your one of my best guy friends i ever had." Not the answer i was looking for but i overlooked it and said thanks. She still seemed a little distant from me. But fast forwarding to now, we are a lot more closer then before, we talk and hang out sometimes. This is where it is confusing me, she'll send me texts saying she misses me or random good mornings. I'll respond with a kind gesture, a good morning back. If she says she misses me, i usually say "yeah? what do you miss about me?" just to get her to dig deep and let me know how she feels.The answers she gives me is a bit more then i expected, she'll tell me all the things me and her do with each other. Recently though, she invited me to a littl e get together for her dad at a bar. Let me stop right there. Since that point her attitude towards me has been of a friend to me. So i go into the bar see her and we start talking and she introduces me to all her dads friends and what not. We get a couple of drinks, and she wants to start dancing. At the end of the last dance she kisses me on my neck. I haven't had much relationships but I didn't know what to do so I hugged her. The night ended and we had fun. Now this was the first incident. The second was when I invited her to my sisters 18th bday at a club. It was a surprise for my sister and she was close to her. All night me and my ex danced with each other. She danced with a few other guys but towards the end of the night she was with me. As we were dancing I gave it a thought and maybe I'll try to make a move. And see what her response is. And my dancing is the grinding type. So she had her back to me, I started kissing on her neck, she didn't do anything. Then I t urned around to face me to see if she would go for a kiss. I got close enough to kiss her on her cheek but she turned back around, not right away but kinda smiled as she did turn back around. That night ended well. Jumping to a different event about a month after my sisters party, she's been pretty busy with school and work and she needed help with a study guide. She texted me saying my name and a frowning face. Then I asked what's wrong and she told me she was swamped with work and she needed my help. When she asked she told me she was really hesitant on asking me for help. I asked her why and she responded because I don't ask anyone for help and I try to get things done myself. Ok thinking to myself that shouldn't make you hesitant on asking for help. She knows she can come to me for help. I told her I would help her and she seemed very surprised? I don't know why she would be surprised as I helped her before with other things. Then when I am really nice to her and help he r with things, she'll always ask this question. "Why are you so good to me?" I never really give a straight answer. I always try to avoid it. The last time she asked me I did tell her "I like you. I like you a lot." Her response was a smiley face, "awwww", and the kicker "I really do appreciate you." But Ever since this event and the last she been more flirty with me, but then she turns around and gives me cold shoulders when we text like she's not interested anymore. She won't respond even though she read my last text. So I'm confused whether she still has something for me or not... She hasn't had a boyfriend since me, but I know she did start talking to a couple different guys but that never kicked off. It seems like she is still interested in me but what can be holding her back from letting me know she does. Is she waiting for me to tell her how I feel so she can feel safer and she won't be turned down if she lets it all out? I want to express to her how I really feel abo ut her but idk how I should do it or if I should even do that because I know if I do it in person I might not be able to get everything out. I know I brushed over a bunch of details but they wouldn't matter.
Any advice would be great.
i'm on here because i really don't have anyone else to look too and plus i'm looking for some different answers then the ones i have already received from a close friend.
I really like this girl, maybe I can say I'm still in love with her. I love everything about her.
I have an ex (ok don't jump to conclusions just because i said EX doesn't mean we hate each other) we broke up almost 3 years ago. And it was somewhat mutual, but of course every relationship that ends one person ends up hurting more, which was me. For about a year after the break up, we never really talked, but when we did bump into each other we would have small talk. She never seemed interested in talking to me as she felt like it was her fault for the break up. But i had a lot of time to reflect, and it was never really her fault. She told me that she didn't feel loved by me. I'm not sure how i didn't love her, i did everything for her. Maybe i wasn't attentive enough to her feelings. She is a cancer and feelings to them is how they express themselves. Anyways, after awhile (maybe about another year) we then started to talk and hang out slowly easing our way back into each others lives. When we talk its cordial and we talked about the break up and i told her i was over it and she seemed a bit relieved. I'm guessing she felt guilt and bad about hurting me? It's somewhat hard to read her sometimes. After i told her that she seemed more talkative with me. I gave it awhile before i would ask what she thought of me... when i did she gave me the response "your one of my best guy friends i ever had." Not the answer i was looking for but i overlooked it and said thanks. She still seemed a little distant from me. But fast forwarding to now, we are a lot more closer then before, we talk and hang out sometimes. This is where it is confusing me, she'll send me texts saying she misses me or random good mornings. I'll respond with a kind gesture, a good morning back. If she says she misses me, i usually say "yeah? what do you miss about me?" just to get her to dig deep and let me know how she feels.The answers she gives me is a bit more then i expected, she'll tell me all the things me and her do with each other. Recently though, she invited me to a littl e get together for her dad at a bar. Let me stop right there. Since that point her attitude towards me has been of a friend to me. So i go into the bar see her and we start talking and she introduces me to all her dads friends and what not. We get a couple of drinks, and she wants to start dancing. At the end of the last dance she kisses me on my neck. I haven't had much relationships but I didn't know what to do so I hugged her. The night ended and we had fun. Now this was the first incident. The second was when I invited her to my sisters 18th bday at a club. It was a surprise for my sister and she was close to her. All night me and my ex danced with each other. She danced with a few other guys but towards the end of the night she was with me. As we were dancing I gave it a thought and maybe I'll try to make a move. And see what her response is. And my dancing is the grinding type. So she had her back to me, I started kissing on her neck, she didn't do anything. Then I t urned around to face me to see if she would go for a kiss. I got close enough to kiss her on her cheek but she turned back around, not right away but kinda smiled as she did turn back around. That night ended well. Jumping to a different event about a month after my sisters party, she's been pretty busy with school and work and she needed help with a study guide. She texted me saying my name and a frowning face. Then I asked what's wrong and she told me she was swamped with work and she needed my help. When she asked she told me she was really hesitant on asking me for help. I asked her why and she responded because I don't ask anyone for help and I try to get things done myself. Ok thinking to myself that shouldn't make you hesitant on asking for help. She knows she can come to me for help. I told her I would help her and she seemed very surprised? I don't know why she would be surprised as I helped her before with other things. Then when I am really nice to her and help he r with things, she'll always ask this question. "Why are you so good to me?" I never really give a straight answer. I always try to avoid it. The last time she asked me I did tell her "I like you. I like you a lot." Her response was a smiley face, "awwww", and the kicker "I really do appreciate you." But Ever since this event and the last she been more flirty with me, but then she turns around and gives me cold shoulders when we text like she's not interested anymore. She won't respond even though she read my last text. So I'm confused whether she still has something for me or not... She hasn't had a boyfriend since me, but I know she did start talking to a couple different guys but that never kicked off. It seems like she is still interested in me but what can be holding her back from letting me know she does. Is she waiting for me to tell her how I feel so she can feel safer and she won't be turned down if she lets it all out? I want to express to her how I really feel abo ut her but idk how I should do it or if I should even do that because I know if I do it in person I might not be able to get everything out. I know I brushed over a bunch of details but they wouldn't matter.
Any advice would be great.
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