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making new friends

Quite bluntly, I suck with friendships. Apparently, I can't tell if another person (male or female) genuinely likes spending time with me.

Last night, I met with a "friend." I asked him how he was doing. He said, "I'm here with you aren't I?" He left to order something and came back. I pushed back the comment and caught up on some things. I later made a comment about having trouble getting to know new friends, that I don't want to spend time with people who spend time with me because of charity. He gave me a look and then changed the topic. We left on good terms but the interaction got me thinking about things.

I know I struggle making friends and that there are multiple factors. Being single now is a barrier cause some of the guys/gals I like to be around are married. Since I was not there before their marriage, it's hard to fit in. Another barrier is living in a smaller town. There just aren't enough places to make new friends my age who are single. Seems like everyone I meet is married and has lots of family around them (my family is in Florida and we are not that close even if we lived in the same town). I think I'm more "needy" than the people I've met.


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