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White guy and muslim girl

I've made this anonymous as people know me on here. I am at uni and have developed a crush on a girl i work with at uni. We text and snapchat a lot! Pretty much constantly. And we are both single and often talk about things like who we think is hot and give each other advice on things. We have become very close and she is now one of my best friends. I want to take this to the next level and I have a feeling she does too (although, like everyone else, i have been wrong about this before!).

The problem is that she is a Muslim and I am white non-religious. She did say that she would be open to eventually marrying a white person and doesn't seem to be overly religious (i.e. doesn't wear the hiqab and has drank alcohol in the past)

I just wondered if anyone, particularly muslims, could give me advice on this as I'm not really sure what im letting myself in for.


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