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time for a real man's opinion

I like this guy but I am not sure what I need to do to make myself seem appealing to him in a non sluty way.

I know there are a million plus magazines that give advice written by women and it is not clear whether men actually agree with it or not.

For example one magazine said "guys like it when girl has a nice manicure and looks after her nails". So I grew out my nails and painted them several times over now but what is the point? It was a bad advice cause it didn't lead me anywhere.

Another advice was "dress nice and put on barely visible make up to highlight nice features on your face". So I did that too, I put on a nice top, had my hair down and make up on, looked good but he didn't even look in my direction. What was wrong there?

One magazine said "don't be too over powering, men like to be the protector and they like taking care of a woman" Is this true? would you be put off by a girl who told you she does weights training in her spare time?

So now I am going to ask for advice from guys - what do I do to make one of you notice me in more than just-a-friend way? What kind of feminine things do you guys want to see in a girl?

Girls if you tested methods that have worked, please post them

EDIT: a lot of you on here think that I haven't said as much as two words to him which is not true. I speak to him on a daily basis. But I want him to see me as an attractive female not just some girl. One very odd thing I noticed is he has spoken to me the most when I have been wearing a hoodie or a very large woolly jumper with my hair scraped back not when I look good but maybe that was just that situation.

The nail thing was actually a quote from a guy who said he likes to see beautiful nails against his skin and it was a turn on. maybe be he had a fetish


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