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what is he thinking????

Hi guys
First i need to say sorry about my bad english and it is quite a long story.
about 3 weeks ago i met a guy in the club at the smoking area, i was calling to my friend and that guy kept watching at me and wanted me to hang up and talk with him. So i did it, after half an hour talking he suggested me to go to his place for a few more drink. I was with my friend and he as well, so we thought that would be fine. We went to his place and were talking about 3-4 hours about my country things, his family, my family, friends, boyfriends girlfriends ect. We kissed, nothing more and he said to me that he really wants to see me again. He also said that he could be a nice boyfriend for me. The problem is that i keep thinking of him but i am a traveller. We exchanged numbers, and texted, but it was over one week ago. I dont know why, i thought he was interested. anyway i stay here one month more and Germany( i am half korean and half german) is near england, we both dont have boy/girlfriends. Am i going too further? Was he just thinkin about an one night stand? not interested in me? If yes why did he send messages like You have beautiful eyes, you are the cutiest person ive ever met, want to see you again, boyfriend things?
Can guys say sth like that if they're not interested in someone? I cant get rid of him and that ****s so much. I wanted to text him again but my friend told me not to. What do you think? Do you guys do that things to girls met in the club? Am I too naive? :(

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