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Boyfriend and drugs: huge mistake?

I know no one can tell me whether I want to be with him or not but it would be nice to have some outside opinions.

I finished with my boyfriend last night and can't help but feel like I've made a huge mistake.

Everything was absolutely perfect but we kept hitting a sticky point: the fact that he takes drugs.

A couple of months into the relationship before it was serious, I told him we were going to have to stop seeing each other because I didn't want to be with someone who takes drugs. He said that he couldn't understand why I felt so strongly about it, but that he wouldn't take anything ever again to be with me. So we stayed together.

A year down the line, he's not stopped taking them and tried to hide it from me. I ignored it for a while but deep down I know I'm never going to marry someone who takes drugs so why continue in the relationship?

I just feel like if someone's still smoking weed almost every night and occassionally taking pills/coke when they're 23 then they're never going to stop. So anyway we had a huge argument about it, he called me a control freak and i ended it despite huge protest from him saying how could I end something so perfect over something so unimportant.

I've spent the last 24 hours resisting temptation to text him. Now the things he said when we were breaking up are going round and round in my head, like why is it such a big deal to me? It's not really affecting me in any way, I just don't like that he does it.

Is it stupid to end an almost perfect relationship over occasional drug use?

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