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*Respecting your spouse*

So I have been married for almost three years. It seems that

with each passing year he displays more apathy. Our sex life is

pretty much non existent and every other aspect of our marriage

has gone dry. He spent a complete year unemployed while I was

struggling to work so we could get by. He played video games

from the moment he woke up, to the time he went to bed. He

also failed two semesters in college.

Ive tried to talk to him calmly or in every manner I can think

of. Trying not to be rude, but rather helpful. I have felt rather

alone and abandoned due to his interest in video games and

other activities. I can no longer approach him about anything.

He says im a broken record and if I have nothing new to say I

I should just shut up. So I been promoted to doormat. I often

think of divorce considering there is no intimate relationship. I

have any times to initiate but it tends to go nowhere.

We had an argument the other day. I expressed my desire

to communicate once more only to be told he has more

important things to worry about. Then I got a list of things he

worries about daily. Also that I dont know what I want and that

im just sitting around letting the credits roll. So anyways I tried

to explain I also worry about these things but he didnt want to

hear what I had to say and ignore what I did say. Ending the

argument the same as usual. I got a text that said night.

On days that I am home I dont get even that. I hate ending

on bad notes. So normally he displays general annoyance

and will either refer to me as crazy or insane for expressing my

sadness. When I cry he says im overreacting so I hide in the

bathroom and cry alone. On his list of worries and priorities, I

was not included.


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