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Ending relationships... Is there a trend?

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So after reading quite a lot of recent posts on this forum, I seem to have noticed quite a strong pattern. In numerous cases, the OP (usually a girl) has spoken about how her boyfriend of 2/3/4/5 years has broken up with them without any due disclosure.

This got me thinking. Is there a trend? I feel that girls are more likely to end a relationship in its earlier stages, but I feel that boys are more likely to end longer-term relationships.

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed this too? What are your thoughts on this? Can someone think of why it may be like this? As a guy with a girlfriend where we've been dating for over 7 months now, I can't see any reason for why a guy would end a relationship so abruptly after being together for so long?

Thanks for your time :)


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