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Being 16 and in a relationship...

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My parents are extremely overbearing, i never talk to them about stuff like relationships etc just because they (particularly my mum) get so weird and awkward about it. I'm a girl, I do have some long term mobility issues meaning i've been on crutches for a few years, but I feel as if my mum uses this against me to single me out from becoming more independent.

I'm the oldest of 2, so I can appreciate my mum's worry and concern for me as she's never dealt with this before, but I really think them letting me do my own thing, like using a bus on my own for example, would do wonders for my independence relating to life experience. It just frustrates me a lot when she uses this as an excuse to almost stop me from growing up.

I've had a boyfriend for the past 10 or so months, he's just under 2 years older than me, he's incredibly mature & polite, and we both agree we've never met anyone else that has the sort of connection we do. I've tried asking my mum how she'd feel if i had a boyfriend, but she just acts really strange and awkward about it, like I'm stupid...I'm tired of 'sneaking' around because there's no other way we'd see eachother otherwise. We study, take the dog for walks and just chat when we're together, it just upsets me that my mum can't be more supportive and open, I don't feel like I can talk to anyone about it.

This makes it so difficult to spend time together as she doesn't like me using public transport etc on my own, so he'd always have to get to mine so we can go out around my area (I can't walk that far) it makes me feel so guilty that he always has to come to me and it doesn't help if my mum is constantly asking me hundreds of questions about who i'm talking to/where/why etc.

This has become a problem recently as my boyfriend has had to move to London (about a 30 minute ride on the overground train from our local station), I can't expect him to always come to me, I want to go out and experience the world too, I too am particularly interested in working in London someday, it's always been something I've loved the idea of.

Surely I can use an overground train by myself at 16, then literally meet him at the station? I earn my own money etc so that's not an issue, I'm certainly not one to run away or do anything stupid either, haha.

If I say 'I want to go on a train by myself to go to my boyfriend's new place in London/go out shopping/for dinner together etc' doesn't sound too good from a parents' point of view but he's such a lovely young man! He'd look after me etc too, he's not a drunken/smoking/sex deviant like my mum probably thinks when she hears I have an 18 year old boyfriend! :(

Any advice would be welcomed please :( x


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