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Who's in the wrong here?

So my wife told me about this party she was to attend tonight some time ago, and even though I don't like her friend (and I wasn't invited), I decided to let her go and cut loose since it had been a while for her. We have two dogs, and that's essentially the present day premise of the situation.

Now the backstory as to why I adamantly dislike the friend, is that my wife has a drinking problem. She drinks often, and when she has one drink too many, she can get dangerously drunk (passing out, not remembering the night before, etc.), and I simply do not trust her or anyone when she is in that state. The friend is also an alcoholic, though since I've never even met her, I couldn't honestly tell you her rate of consumption. I do know that when these two get together though, regardless of the time of day, it's hard liquor no matter what. They can't get together on a random Sunday morning without first discussing whether they're going to stick to beer or vodka. As much as I struggle to encourage my wife to drink less, and to feel better about herself (which works from time to time), this friend will undo everything in one heavy sitting.

Another reason I dislike the friend is that she's constantly single, and tends to bait my wife on outings to find herself a guy for the night (my wife is very attractive, the friend is ****ing WOOF). Not that my wife is the type to entertain another guy or anything, the friend makes absolutely no effort to chase a guy off because my wife is obviously married, and she's just using her for a gig on the guise that my wife "is a grown woman that can make her own decisions". Bull****, it's not getting a tattoo or disregarding drinking and driving, it's being a good friend that respects your friends relationship. That's just the way I see it. If I have a good, married friend, I'm not going to let him/her **** around or be put in a situation (especially for my gain) to where someone can get the wrong idea, because it's wrong. If we're not good friends, then who the **** am I? But otherwise, I'll stand up for what's right, and I just find this friend to be an inherently bad person. W e've never met, she hated our relationship, she boycotted our engagement, she boycotted our marriage, and now she's back in the mix of things because I guess she's out of options when it comes to driving us apart.

So back to the party, of course I wasn't invited, and that was fine. Since I've never been to the friends house (or that area, for that matter), I can only take my wife's word that the path is long and treacherous. My wife is literally the worse driver of all time even when sober, so her driving with a few drinks is a no-go. Her solution? Spend the night. She was at her friends house a few weeks ago, where she met some new people, and my wife is the type of naive idiot that tends to believe in the good in people upon first meeting. I don't know them, she barely knows them, but somehow she's managed to put me in a position to blindly trust these strangers to not **** my wife as she's passed the **** out drunk on the couch (because she wouldn't have a room to herself). My compromise? I drop her off, go and hang out with some friends, come home and take care of the dogs, and await her call for me to pick her up whenever the party is over. But no, first she has to ask her friend for permission for me to do this, and that's when I knew this was going to get difficult. The friend agreed partially, and she proposed that I drop her off at the mall, and pick her up from the mall after the party.

So back to these "long and treacherous" roads, and the fact that these people drink to get ****ing WASTED, it's somehow a good idea to go and let someone I don't know drive my wife drunk back to me? And what the **** at keeping her residence a secret, like I couldn't find out where she lives anyway? Or like I'm going to hire some kill squad to come raid the place, or do it myself (when my wife knows I don't even have a gun)? I've never laid a finger on her, so this predicament is based on bull****, and not actual merit. So of course, my wife makes me out to be the *******, ignoring that I feel like her friend put me in an impossible situation, where my choices are A.) Let my wife stay passed out drunk among a bunch of people I don't know, with her pay no mind ass or B.) Let someone deliver my wife to me drunk, behind the wheel. So in turn, my wife starts throwing the biggest ***** fit in her life, and sees me as this controlling *******, when I feel like I was willing to comp romise a visit with her ****ty friend in exchange for her safety. How many married people spend nights apart at parties when they live in the same city? How many people are completely oblivious to the whereabouts of their spouses overnight? I feel like as her husband, I'm entitled to these details at the very least, but I'm supposed to trust everyone on the planet because my wife sees the world through the same eyes as Forrest ****ing Gump.

I was willing to play ball for a while there, even made plans to keep me occupied, and let her cut loose for a little bit. But no, it's bull**** upon bull****, and I was expected to stay at home with the ****ing dogs while she may or may not be getting ****ed in her sleep by some ******* that I don't know, and she'd never know. **** that ****. I only wonder instead of having dogs, and we had kids instead, that I'd be in this same situation a few years from now.

I mean really, if I was being out of line, unfair, or if my compromise was ****ty, let me know. Because although I feel that I'm in the right, everyone's making me feel like I'm the biggest ******* on the planet.


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