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HELP please! What does this girl want/mean?

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Story comes in 2 parts.. what should I do?

I'm really busy on my course, haven't had that much time to meet many people on nights out. There are also not many girls in my department.

PART ONE: I've made some platonic friends from halls. Some of them are girls. One is fairly attractive, but I have never really thought of her that way, especially since she has a boyfriend outside uni. Then one week ago, when a bunch of us were chatting in the common room, she was sitting next to me and put her feet on my lap. No one else could really see and I felt awkward because she was moving her feet in my crotch area. I didn't say anything then or after, but now I feel these sexual urges about her. Subsequent to this, whilst at breakfast at the canteen, mid conversation, she was sort of sucking her finger quite deliberately. She is pretty, but from having hardly any thoughts about her, difficult to get her out of my head now.

PART TWO: On Friday, again we were all at a dinner party and discussing dating. One of the guys showed me the fb of a girl on his course, who they all seem to know. She looked incredible and has similar interests to me, e.g. tennis. I immediately said, omg, she's awesome. One of the girls said that they should introduce her to me, but then guess who said that she wouldn't be my type? Yep, footjob girl.

Since then I have not heard of any introductions to the new dream girl, nor seen my flirty friend around..

What does this all mean?!! I would love to meet the girl on their course, but rather do it naturally than ask for it literally. Second, what's this girl up to??


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