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Scared about introducing my boyfriend to my parents

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So this isn't the first time I am doing this. I was in a five year relationship and introduced him to my parents, which in itself was pretty scared. I was scared of them embarrassing me and of him not making a good impression.

Now with my current boyfriend it's a little difficult. My parents have a comparison, they got on with my ex even though they did argue a few times and in the end said he wasn't good for me. My parents have now split up and are going to be staying in the same house temporarily when my boyfriend comes to visit... My parents do not get on, they argue about money, one is bitter about the other one still, it is very tense and nothing is easy. My boyfriend is from quite a wealthy family but my family is a little bohemian and took an alternative living route. I feel a little embarrased about our crap pans, tiny cars etc. I know it is all shallow stuff but of course they are things you think of.

From the other perspective I am also nervous of what my parents will think of him. He is the sweetest person ever and his personality shines through in his looks, but there is no denying that he is a little bit overweight. He exercises regularly and is "fit", but he has a belly and does tend to overeat and snack too much. This wouldn't be an issue, but my dad (nice as he is in other ways) has always been a little bit fattist.

Basically I am full of nerves thinking about both parties judging the other. I would rather just avoid any meeting whatsoever! He means a lot to me though, any advice?


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