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Fancy my co-worker - but unsure if he likes me

I'm currently interning at a company and from the off quite fancied one of the guys working there.

I sent him an email introducing myself, and we've been emailing back and forth ever since, quite mundane stuff, weekends, workload, that kind of chat.

However, in real life we don't really talk. He's not shy, he talks to most people in the office and is quite loud, but when he's next to me he just gets quiet unless I speak to him first (or we're in a group, then he talks)

I asked him (via email) if he fancied a drink sometime, and he said something along the lines of 'of course, not this week because of deadlines (true - we're crazy busy and he's working til 10 most nights) but let's do next week, I'll fit it in around you'

He then sent me his mobile number, I gave him mine back and he texted me, and we texted a couple of times that night, then he stopped. I texted him the following day, but he didn't respond to that, though he did talk to me in the office. I don't want to message again because I know he's busy.

I cannot work out if he likes me or is just being friendly - or doesn't like me at all!

Any advice would be appreciated


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