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He won't stop fighting :(

Hi everyone,

basically, been at uni a month now and my boyfriend and I are in a LDR due to Uni, he's in Aberystwth and i'm at Loughborough, i see him every two weeks at the weekend but hes told he he's really unhappy there even though he acts like normal and is doing really well work wise.
Since he's been there, on nights out he's gotten into a fair few fights, about 8 now, and i've said to him that I don't like it and why does he start them etc, but he said he doesn't know.
He came for a night out in Loughborough and started a fight and ended up getting thrown out of a club here.

He never used to be this sort of a person/drunk person when we were back home and I don't know what I can do to help him, he got pretty badly beaten up last night and i'm worried something worse is going to happen to him.

Any advice?


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