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I've no confidence asking a girl to go home with me

I find it very strange. I'm not very experienced with girls but I do get a fair amount of attention and with a bit more enthusiasm I'm sure I could have got myself laid by now. But I don't want to look desperate as such, however I'm in danger of being too laid back and appearing uninterested.

In my experience the girls who have gone home with me after a night out have been generally speaking, pretty slaggy. For some reason I can never seem to go home with a nice looking girl who isn't a total and utter whore. I want to be one of those guys that can pull a nice looking girl and take her home for once. But I never seem to do it.

Firstly, I'm still with my parents so no no there. That leaves the girls' place. This comes with all sorts of obstacles such as do I want to let a stranger into my place .. what will my friends think etc Also being in London I think it's alot harder because people live literally all over the place. You could be talking to a girl who is going home to Essex that night.

Recently I got kissing with a friend of a friend having met up one time before. She then played 'hard to get' at the end and saying I'm going home all alone, and saying it in a kind of wicked 'you're going home all by yourself tonight' tone. I hate this sort of bull**** to be honest. I found out a couple days later that she was disappointed that I didn't go home with her! Confused! I hate this play hard to get thing. We flirt loads etc, I say you should give me your number and I get 'maybe'. I don't like all this bull****, I don't find it funny, flirty or interesting. It's time wasting.

I've lost all sense of nous when it comes to asking a girl if she wants to go back together etc. I feel like if I ask it seems desperate, and also I've had reactions such as 'i'm not that type of girl' in an angry tone etc After a while there's no right way! It's a pretty embarrassing situation for a guy to get turned down and after you've experienced it a few times, well for me at least I kind of feel more secure not trying because it just seems so awkward and pathetic.

It's something that kind of baffles me tbh. I can kiss loads of girls in clubs, girls I know/have met through friends. But it alwasy seems so weird at the end ... I never know if it's right to ask if she wants to go home together, but I don't want to seem like I'm not interested. Yet at the same time it feels desperate to kind of ask for it. Even when indirectly suggesting it, I often get that 'i'm not a slag' reaction/attitude. And then you feel like a dick.

I found it alot easier at University where you had all the freedom etc and everyone was young. But guys do it with girls up and down the country even if not at Uni. What am I doing wrong?!

Any tips?

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