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I cant stop thinking about his ex

Bear with me this is quite a long story i'll try n keep it short

Basically i went out with this guy when i was 16/17 for a few months but he was in love with someone else and the relationship ended in a really messed up way and he started seeing this girl. After things settled down i could see they were good together and she was actually a decent girl n we became good friends, I even moved in with her step parents when my dad had to move away.

They were really good together and really in love and had a deep meaningful relationship with each other, then what with him going to university (he didn't move away) and he starting her full time journalism apprenticeship they suddenly became really stressed out and the relationship broke down and they broke up.

fastforward a few months, his dad owns the bar i work in (small town) and he (my ex) is the manager so we spend a lot of time together whether i like it or not, we became close over a few months and one shift when we were closing up we kissed and then we started seeing each other unofficially.

My friend was going abroad to study and just before she left she said she knew about us two seeing each other but gave us her blessing and told us to make a go of it. A couple of weeks into the relationship and i feel that it's just based around sex and that there isn't any meaning to it. Him and my friend had such a deep personal connection and it was more than jsut sex and I want to be like that with him but it just seems so... shallow :(

what should i do?

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