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Urgent help needed please! Wife wants divorce!

Hello everyone! I have been reading this forum for the last couple of weeks. As you can all understand, I am at a crossroad and need any all kind of help urgently. I would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to read about my problems and providing any suggestion. I posted this in another forum, but didn't receive any comment and this one seems to be more appropriate. I apologize for the double posting.

Hello everyone! I have been reading this forum for the last couple of weeks. As you can all understand, I am at a crossroad and need any all kind of help urgently. I would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to read about my problems and providing any suggestion.

1. I know my wife for 7 years.
2. We got married a year and half ago.
3. We have seen each other for about 2 months in the last two years due to career reasons.
4. We last met about 4 months ago.
5. She has been reducing the volume of contact with me for the past six months. This made me mad and we fought a lot over it. She also didn't get along with my family and blamed me for not providing her with any emotional support.
6. She told me a few weeks ago that she doesn't have any feeling for me and doesn't care about me anymore.
7. She is hell bent on divorce and feels that we both deserve better partners.
8. For the last 8-9 months she has been out every weekend with a group of friends both male and female. But if I asked who were there she would get angry and not tell me. I said mean things to her. She also said mean things. WHen we started dating she would sometimes be mean and I would stay calm, but now I was getting angry a lot. On one occassion my wife went with her friends for a two day trip and didn't call me even once. I called her about 40 times but she didn't pick the phone up. She talked to her parents though but didn't pick up my phone even at 10 pm.
9. She didn't want to have sex last time we met.
10. This year she forgot to wish me on my birthday, which never happened before.
11. We were having problems for last one year because she felt I didn't take enough responsibility (which is true).
12. I am going to meet her in a month and she wants to finalize divorce week from when we meet again.
13. She told me that she needs to rebuild her life and it will take her some time, but I make her suffocated and if she has to live with me, she will die.

My questions to all you patient people are:
(1) Is there any hope for us?
(2) What do I do in the meantime? I will see her in a month.
(3) What should I tell her when we meet?
(4) What other help should I get?

I appreciate all the answers and scoldings. I truly deserve them and I wish I could be more repentant for my past sins.

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