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Too tight!!!

Wonder if any of you will believe this is a problem. Before my H left, our sex life had diminished ALOT. Several reasons-he works pretty much everyday, very high stress this past year, I'm tired at night and he can't get up in the morning as he is so shattered. I'm better in the morning. Other problems, he doesn't share much and I think there was a lack of intimacy between us. The other reason is that my vagina is ridiculously small. I mean it takes ages for him to get it in and it hurts. Once in, generally ok. But it takes the passion out of it when you're trying not to wince. Last time I had a cervical exam the woman asked me if I'd ever had sex! (really tactful).

He's left now and it's been six weeks but I really want to sort my problem. I just want to have proper sex. This has also made me more inhibited and I don't initiate sex. Might be a stupid question but can a vagina shrink from lack of "use"?

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