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Looking for opinions.

I am new to this page, I stated that yesterday when I posted my long stories about all the years of infidelity I have put up with. I am wondering at what point is enough, enough? It seems simple, we are free to leave, but why is it so hard? I don't believe that I am in love anymore. It's possible I find it hard for me to leave because I dont currently have a job. I don't have any children. Sometimes I think of all the things that have to be done, moving furniture, selling a home, splitting things down the middle, telling everyone, and it seems overwhelming. It seems that just thinking of starting from scratch also reminds me of how much time Ive put into this, but there is nothing here. Nothing more than a man who continues to go on drink binges and then go to strip clubs, blow all our money and then call prostitutes, which he always says he never slept with, In all the stories, he always changes his mind at the point, but at the same time gives me the excuse that he doesn't remember anything. I know, its a convenient lie. But at what point do you say to yourself, that's it, Goodbye? Of course there are some not so bad moments but I cant live like this forever, Im only 27.
And yes, We've been to marital and individual counseling for the last 19 months. This month, I said that's enough, she has never told him he's a sex addict or an alcoholic, Ive yet to get any answers, and Im done wasting time. He is never going to 'remember'.

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