I recently met this guy through mutual friends when out and he added me on fb shortly after. We seemed to get on in person and he started talking on fb and initially we seemed to have a good exchange and he seemed like someone I could be friends with as I thought we were quite similar (in a relationship so our interaction was never romantic based - also, clear to him from the get go). Eventually progressed to whatsapp for ease of messaging.
We both seem to be people who text a lot and hence reply quickly so in this way, we've spoken a lot over text even though we've only known each other a short while. I thought this was the initial stage of becoming friends and eventually it would ease off where we'd just text more normally ie I don't chat to most people every day.
Anyways as its progressed, it seems he's quite needy and will send me messages like "are u okay?" , "hope you're not angry with me" if I don't reply for a bit. Not only this, through talking to him more, I've realised his views are quite orthodox and actually quite offensive. I'm quite liberal so I'm not used to people my age having these kinds of "restricted views". All my other friends are very live and let live and never lecture/judge. He has on more than a few occasions tried to impose his views on how I should do things etc
So as a result I find him exhausting and I've realised how different we are. From the way he talks though, it's implied that he thinks we're best friends. I simply don't feel that way at all. I have other really good friendships so it's easy for me to see the holes in this one.
More recently, we had a debate over an issue and he ended up being really insulting and justified it as saying "I'm not one to not speak my mind" yet all the people I associate with are like that however they don't cross the boundary to be downright insulting essentially saying he couldn't believe how someone could have such views and name calling over it. I don't think he sees it.
I was too insulted to speak after thus have not replied and have been bombarded with messages. I just want to be left alone. The insulting coupled with the general neediness/annoying nature - I'm not interested. It's too much drama. He's not getting the hint. I feel any reply would just encourage more messages from him so I'm keeping quiet.
Am I horrible for wanting to cut him out because he thinks we're suddenly really close for some unknown reason? I've only really known him for a month and it's just too much. He's just incredibly annoying and my initial judgement couldn't have been more wrong.
Has anything similar happened to anyone else?
Put the internet to work for you.
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