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In love with a cheater?

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I dated a boy for a few months at the end of last year and we bonded very deeply very quickly. He wasn't in a great place emotionally and we broke up in January, him saying he needed to be in a good place mentally before we good do this with us remaining very close.
My feelings for him haven't wavered since, however he has a girlfriend. He says he still has feelings for me which are just as strong but they're too strong to deal with so he's with her. We never really stopped talking like we were together and barely go 10 minutes without speaking. Then a few days ago we slept together, something which hadn't happened when we were together as it was a very big deal for both of us. He's broken up with her a couple of times to be with me, but both times I was too hesitant/he was too paranoid I was seeing other people and he went back to her.
I believe that they slept together before he left me, she knew I was with him. I know two wrongs do not make a right, but somehow that made it easier for me to justify it in my head. However now I feel immensely guilty for it, as I've found he doesn't actually plan on leaving her like I thought he did. I love him very much, and I don't know that I could deal with things without him... What do I do???


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