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experienced an approach at the bus stop

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My first ever experience at a guy approaching a girl was witnessed at the bus stop a few weeks ago. Would have written this post then but was busy with work.

Honestly it was so much cringe. I felt sorry for the lad, he didn't do anything wrong he was trying to make normal conversation with the girl , nothing awkward, but what made it awkward was her total non interest in him. This was an Indian guy approaching an Indian girl and the guy even looked above average.

Then it hit me, all my theories unravelling right in front of my eyes, all my theories being proved right in front of me. All of them. Guaranteed if this guy was white the girl would have given him his number ASAP, guaranteed if the guy was an 8 or above /10 the girl would have given him her number.

They were both in the same looks league and he wasn't awkward.

Proves how much of a fraud confidence , personality and approaching girls is.

Lol I will never debase myself to approach and girl and let her get an ego boost out of it NEVER. I'd rather have my balls chopped off than to approach a girl anywhere whether it be on the street, at a club or a bar.

Now the girl at the bus stop probably has an ego the size of the solar system due to perfectly fine looking guys approaching her everywhere and she thinks she's a 10/10 model who deserves nothing short of Brad Pitt.

It seems I am the lone crusader against this fight against the inequality men face, I am a martyr who will be remembered and cheered in the future by men for sacrificing myself for the betterment of future men.


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