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Are children becoming more sexualised?

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Okay, this may be me being a prude. But, I'm so disturbed about the amount of children acting "grown up". I live in a, well.. Place full of chavs. Where if you go into town on a Saturday, you can see them everywhere. Children, boys and girls all the same, at 13 chain-smoking, binge-drinking, increased violence and having sex with different people of all ages. Yes, I do understand they may come from a poor environment, and want to get out of the house. Though this sort of behaviour is unacceptable in my opinion, even for adults. I see this as a massive problem due to children becoming vunerable to sexual abuse, mental health problems, poor grades. And these kids are supposed to be our future. This may be me being biased, because I have a small group of close friends, and they're involved in drugs in anyway (except for the occasional boozy party) and I've had a very good education with loving parents. (Sorry, that made me sound like a middle class douc hebag, but I'm really not, I'm just lucky).

Anyway, my little sister, she has had a few boyfriends and involved with very peculiar friends with their own problems which I am skeptical to believe (attempted suicide, drugs, pregnancy) and she has performed "dry-sex", touching of the genitalia with clothes on, which I believe to be a sexual act and illegal (Check the Sexual Offences Act of 2003), she is 14. I am still mad about it with her, and the boy who she performed this with, who is, OH, they're not together anymore. I am 17 and a virgin and I have never been drunk or taken drugs before, and I feel like I am the only person who feels this way. When I was 14, I had my first kiss, not first dry sex. I'm surrounded by alcoholics, druggies and mothers and fathers, who aren't that much older, the same age, or younger than me.

I just wanted to rant, as it's been bothering me, thank you for reading, and excuse the my illiteracy, I was in mid-not-thinking

F x


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