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My Porn Addiction is back

I thought I had it mostly under control.

I have had to travel for business for the past 3 months however, and have only been home for about 8 days. While alone on the road, going through the financial and relational strain this traveling is doing to me, I started caving to my old addiction.

I have told Mrs. Conan and we are trying to communicate about it and work through her hurt and my disgust.

What I would like to know is are there any good books on breaking this or any sex addiction.

Background: I do not enjoy watching porn. It makes me feel disgusting and degraded. I watch hardcore porn that is not romantic at all, just raunchy degrading sex.

I was severely sexually, emotionally, mentally and physically abused as a child. This addiction started there.

It almost feels to me like if a girl is horribly abused as a child, she might become promiscuous and let herself be used even though it does not make her feel any better but like she can't help it.

I am going to seek counseling as soon as opportunity allows.

I feel sick and disgusting before and after I view porn. It is some kind of mental/emotional trigger that is very hard for me to resist.

Anyway. I would really appreciate if anyone had some good book suggestions. Maybe I need one on PTSD of sexual abuse as this seems to stem from my childhood.

Thanks in advance for your help and advice.


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