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My husband won't stand up for me in any situation!!!

My husband won't stand up for me in any situation!!! Time and time again over the last 4 years he has shown that he cannot stand up for me. When we first starting dating his friends hated me because they thought I was stealing him from them which is incredibly immature. Little did they know I always encouraged him to see them. They were really awful to me and we fought so many times over him refusing to speak to them. Then there was a situation at work (we worked together) where my boss and manager were bullying me and he would invite them over to our apartment frequently which enraged me! In this scenario I did convince him to talk to them about it but when he did it was so obvious that I had put him up to it. There was a couple of other incidences but the straw that broke the camel's back for me the situation we are in now. His brother had a bad divorce and I offered for him to come live with us until he got back onto his feet. I urged my husband to ha ve a conversation with him before he moved in to establish how long he could live with us since we ourselves are newlyweds and are trying to have baby. He was unable to do this because he thought it was an awkward conversation to have. The living situation has become an absolute nightmare for me. The brother has been horribly ungrateful, does not help around the house or buy anything to contribute and mopes around constantly. I could go on and on about how terrible it has been but that's not the issue. For 8 months I've been telling my husband that I can't take it anymore and that he must talk with his brother because I need him out. My house is no longer a happy place. I have to walk on eggshells constantly and end up locked in my bedroom because it is so awkward and it is the only place I can escape. My husband when talking to me completely gets it and is on my side but still will not talk to his brother!! He would rather I be miserable than have to have a hard conversatio n. We got into a terrible fight over it and he went and told his brother everything but made me out to be the devil. We are trying to work it all out (with counselling) but I can't help but feel so resentful and extremely angry. I almost feel like he has cheated because I have no trust left. I want to feel safe and protected and I do not which had seriously damaged the way I feel about my husband. I need a strong man and sometimes I wonder if he is just too immature. He blames it all on the way he was raised which I do feel is where the problem stems but he is 30 years old and you can't go through the rest of your life blaming the way you were raised. He also needs to be liked by everyone which is a huge part of the problem. Any advice would be much appreciated. How do I move on?? Please help!!


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