I don't know how this happened but damn it. I like him . It's weird because I honestly didn't think I'd like him but he's grown on me man. I sorta get this feeling that we both feel the same way and its weird because I've never had someone I like actually like me back but this time it feels different. It feels realistic....here are the signs I've gotten
1: he teases me
2: he asks me personal questions like my age. Where im from etc
3: play fight
4: we have a mutual friend ....that he kinda liked way back and he always seems to ask about my relationship to this person but not in a way where its just for info on her ...In a we have something in common, let's talk about it way.
5: he saw me with a guy and I could of sworn he turned back around while walking past to see the guys face
6: dammit does he like me ...!?
Put the internet to work for you.
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