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Good at making female friends but v terrible at anything more than friends ?

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Just wondered if anyone had ever been in a similar position ?

Im a really outgoing sociable kind of person joined a few societies at Uni and made quite a few friends on my course but not any success with women. Not even exaggerating Im on good terms with about 3-4 friend groups most people have like 10 friends on the course.

Im thinking of 2 events that happened over the past month. Two separate girls who I have known for less than a month but I thought I got on pretty well with them.

Only sat next to them(girl A and girl B are in different lectures) maybe once or twice a week but we would always be laughing and talking non stop.

Maybe they were just being polite I thought ? so a few times ive sat with another group of people and bumped into girl A around uni and she has started the conversation and carried on inside jokes Id started. So I think its fair to assume she was not just being polite but actually see me as a friend.

similar thing with another girl B.

Now when I asked the girls if they wanted to hang out

Girl A, I asked her to show me a type of cheese from Marks and Spencer she said was amazing , I asked her in person and said we could go during the 2 hour break we have between lectures.... she said would think about it,and then asked a bunch of questions about my diet and just described the cheese packaging to me... Then when I asked her week later, she said oh I have to do something tomorrow during the free Ill let you know and she hasnt.

The second girl I asked if she wanted to hang out sometime via facebook she just ignored the message.

I was genuinely surprised at being rejected by both as I assumed they both thought I was interesting and fun person to hang out with. The next time I saw both girls they both carry on as normal and wave at me and
im thinking you both just made it clear you dont want to see me so why pretend to be friends now ?

So basically ive come to the conclusion I just dont know what the **** to say. I was homeschooled until the age of 14 and feel like thats always held me back in social situations. Am I doing anything wrong or missing some obvious social ques ?


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