We all know that we SHOULD carry our own emotional health. But when in a relationship, how much should we depend on our partners for emotional support? When we aren't getting what we "need" from our partners, how much of that is really on us?
I"m a work in progress. Sometimes the "old me" rears her ugly head and I lean on my partner for emotional support. He refuses to carry me much at all. On one hand, I can see the need for me to carry myself. But 100% of myself, 100% of the time? I could have just stayed single!
What is a healthy level of support? :scratchhead:
I"m a work in progress. Sometimes the "old me" rears her ugly head and I lean on my partner for emotional support. He refuses to carry me much at all. On one hand, I can see the need for me to carry myself. But 100% of myself, 100% of the time? I could have just stayed single!
What is a healthy level of support? :scratchhead:
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