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A little bit obsessed with a guy?

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So I posted on here a little while ago about a guy I met during fresher's week. The story goes that I met him on a night out - he was drunk, I was sober. He was obviously attracted to me, paying me compliments etc. and I found him attractive too, but I didn't want to do anything with him as he was drunk. I gave him my number and he text me a couple of days later, I was bored and I agreed to go to his flat.
We chilled for a bit then he tried to kiss me but I kinda rejected him cause I wanted to know if he was serious about me. He told me he would sleep with me but didn't want anything more. I wanted to sleep with him but being a virgin, I wasn't sure it was the right thing to do (afterall I had only known him for a couple of days).
It got a bit awkward after that and I was quite upset cause at the time I thought I really liked him and all he wanted to do was sleep with me.
A few days after this I saw him round another flat where we were having predrinks and he didn't even acknowledge I was there so that kinda sucked.
Then, 2 nights ago I got incredibly drunk and ended up knocking on his flat in the middle of the night (he lives opposite me in the same hall) he had to get out of bed to tell me to go home (I don't remember much of this). He hasn't text me since but I still really like him and can't get him out of my head it's really annoying me especially as I know he's trying to avoid me. Today one of my flatmates invited him to the pub with us but he said no because I was going to be there. I mean I know this all sounds crazy and I was wrong to wake him up in the middle of the night but I like him..I don't want a relationship as such but I just really like him and regret not kissing him that night when I was in his flat :'( what should I do?


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