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Seriously, I couldn't make this up

A little bit of a back story, my STBX walled out 7 weeks ago after almost 4 yrs of marriage and 6+ years together. He has only seen our about a handful of times and he is autistic high functioning. We had a blended family of 2 his,7D,11S 2 mine,18S,14D then our son. My oldest has been off at college and my 14D has gotten a single text from him since he walked. Tney were really close and that really hurt.
I have been working the 180, seeing my therapist weekly, going to different events around the area with the kids, exercising, even getting the okay from my doc to go back to work part time w limits but I was so happy. I needed to get "the talk" over with my STBXH, it seemed to go well he had his children w him, who I have missed so much. We talked about how he needed to step up more and see our son, some bills that had to be taken care of. That we would pay for the S with the tax return and he even talked to my 14D which at the time made her smile.
My STBXH kids were asking to stay the night, they missed thier older siblings and younger brother. I agreed, little did I know.
Little did I know that their mom and stepdad recently S. That their Mom had been staying at the house of my MIL on/off for the last few weeks w my STBX. They showed up at my house a minute apart to get the kids. My family member called me to tell me about the above again bc earlier he denied anything was going on.
Then he told me that he always has had feelings for her (even though the whole time we were together he couldn't stand her and was always trying to get the kids from her and she really lives like a slob) He lied and has at leasr been having an EA for months. Nobody in his family said anything to me, even when I was at a function with them a week ago.
My 14D is crushed she doesn't understand how someone can do what he did, she thinks that he is two-faced, scum bag and she is no better bc they have both hurt so many ppl. I just hope that in the long run it doesn't effect the way she views relationships, her bio dad cheated to.
Monday I need to file for a D, I really need to gain some self back bc he has taken so much from me already.


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