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I've had tremendous difficulty since losing my key worker, Sara!


You may recall I made a thread or two about her before. Sara is her name.

Well, I lost her as my key worker back in March. Prior to that, I had breached the boundaries a little bit by sending her a text message calling her petal, but she'd already been advance warned that I was interested in her. After that, she was still my key worker for a while, but her attitude changed towards me in a nasty manner.

She was supporting me because I have autism and I stay in supported accommodation in Edinburgh (Scotland), where flat 1 is an office. I'm in flat 2 next door.

Well, Sara from Spain was a really sweet person when I first met her. Then I made the mistake of telling a guy worker I liked to play snooker with that I like her and he blabbed about it behind my back, but once I screwed up and made it obvious, she changed, like I was explaining.

When Sara was apparently still my key worker, a senior called Andrew fobbed me off about future shifts with her, because they were apparently 'still deciding' what to do about us working together. He also did it with a woman called Joanna, who I also cannot work with any longer. Well, this man was acting unusually sweet towards me, so I'd call my mother up to explain this, but while she agreed there was funny business going on, it was difficult to 'prove' it.

After a month later, I saw her in the office and she didn't tell me why we hadn't had shifts in ages even though I spent weeks feeling suspicious about everything, but she told me about a meeting that was to take place. Then I saw Andrew and he had a smug look on his face. Then I lost my cool that day later on and called up Sara, shouting at her. Then I sent her a nasty email, but I was just angry.

At the meeting, I got told I could no longer work with Sara. She's stopped doing sleepovers at the flat and I rarely see her around. I cannot call her or email her, as her email account was disabled. I've sent tons of emails to a lot of seniors and outreach workers, but I just get ignored. The assistant director of the company reactivated my support after I quit it out of annoyance, then she told me I won't get Joanna and Sara back forever. I then had a chance to apologize to them at a meeting where I got to say sorry to them for a few minutes individually, but I cannot work with Joanna or Sara any more.

I feel upset too because Sara went with other service users to a place called Aviemore without me knowing about it. When I asked Sara about going there months ago, she seemed totally disinterested and made some excuse, but she went with one of my neighbours. We also are meant to be going to a band night on 11 July, but I'll feel awkward if I see her. If I see Sara, I get butterflies. That is not healthy at all. Is it?

Joanna won't do sleepovers any more either. I got her address from a site that you pay money to get credits on and so she felt her privacy was being invaded. She stopped doing sleepovers after that. I cannot have a one to one chat with Sara to clear the air, as she keeps on running away from me. She ran away and got into a taxi once when I went after her along a street near where I live.

A week after I lost Sara as my key worker, I attempted to get Sara to meet me in a coffee shop. As misfortune would have it, I sent vulgar comments with racism to the other staff members, so the police detained then arrested me on 27 March. One of the seniors told a fib. She said she called the police because I said I'd harm myself or something, then made out she never knew the police were giving me grief at the station. I don't really believe that. Another time, they got the police but I'd locked my bedroom door and refused to open it. Then they called for more officers and the door was smashed in with a metal ram tool which destroyed my door frame. The police have taken me up to a mental hospital three times now, all because of crazy stunts I've pulled.

The other day, I called the office (despite being only next door) and I screamed down the phone because I've been agitated about losing Sara for months. She bolted into the computer room with the service user folders and after that, the staff kept the door to the office locked and made out Sara had left. One staff member said "I wouldn't lie to you, Peter..." but then I seen Sara coming out of the bathroom.

My mother thinks they've been issuing shifts with a Brazilian guy they suspect I've gotten to be friendly with just to go probing into my affairs. He's asked me if I love Sara and he said he'd keep it between us, but I know he'd grass on me if I revealed I did indeed fancy her in a romantic way.

What can I do? I'm sick of being discriminated against, over and over again. Sara means a lot to me, but we are worlds apart now. I cannot even message her on Facebook without paying a fee. Then she just blocks me. If I see her on a bus too and she gets off, she does a detour to avoid me because we get off at the same bus stop.

Sigh. I'll be lonely forever. I've never really had a real girlfriend before, besides a gold-digger called Laura, whom I seen a few weeks ago for the first time in over a year. I do love her, but she does not love me and she in fact has conned me, a lot.

I guess my life is all but ruined. I think about Sara 24/7 now too.


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