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Dealing with boundaries.....

How do you deal with the STBXW who can't stay out of your business? We've lived separately for 2 years now. Finally divorce will be getting done in a few weeks. My ex has a strong moral objection to dating before the judge signs the paper. My point of view is if you aren't living together as man and wife then it's just a piece of paper. For all intents and purposes you are no longer married. Anyways, a year after being on my own I met someone and the relationship developed into staying over with each other pretty quickly. She loves my kids. My daughter calls her daughter a sister. The ex can't stand it. Says I'm ruining my childrens lives and they will hate me for it and I'll never have a good relationship with them later in life.

It's kind of blown out of proportion. My girlfriend (not an official title but we aren't sleeping with anyone else) has been nothing but good to the kids. The ex has picked more than one fight with her and takes comments from the kids about her house out of context completely and spits it back at me as reason why the kids are being emotionally damaged by this person.

We found one flea in her house. About the same time one of my boys developed these bumps all over his legs. Before I could get him to the dr to check it out my family and all of facebook had the idea that i was bringing my kids to some bug infested house of horrors every weekend I had them. My youngest said I was a bad daddy for making them stay in the flea house (he's six and I'm sure those weren't his words). Turned out my son didn't have flea bites....he had some other infection in his fair follicles and the dirt under his nails was spreading it. :/

It's just been one thing after another. The ex goes from mad to "lets just all get along" in the same day. We went from "hey, your ex wife just asked if I wanted her to sit with me at the dr appointment today since you couldn't be here" to the ex threatening to file a restraining order against the gf because she's apparently corrupting the children somehow.... do you tell them politely to eff off and don't talk to me about anything unless it directly involves the kids. And by involve the kids I mean they tell her I'm taking them to bars or doing drugs in front of them or something. Otherwise shut up, wait your turn to have them and have a coke and a

I need to find a book that explains these relationship boundaries after you are no longer together and especially for when the divorce is official. She has no common sense but believes anything just about she reads in books.


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