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18 year old niece started dating her 28 year old boss

This is a little scary to me. My niece works at a chain restaurant. She has been there since 16. She started dating her boss who is 10 years older than her. The 10 year difference is not that big of a deal except at this age there are big differences between a young girl that age and a older man.

Her parents are very quiet when it comes to talking to her about life and especially sex or birth control. She has two older sisters but they mind their own business. Plus they have their own boyfriend problems to deal with. This is her first boyfriend and pretty sure her first and only sex partner.

I think she is possibly being taken advantage of by this older guy. And I think it is strange that this guy is her boss and in an authority position. He seems okay but no one really knows him that well as they keep to themselves. I think his career peaked at 25 and doesn't appear to be going places. She could do much better. I question the motives of guys dating young girls. He either has ego issues or no one his own age will have him.

I think she is moving too fast. She hasn't really ever dated anyone but this guy. After dating for the past year and a half she is moving in with him. She is now 20 and he is now 30. I nicely have said some things but she is like anyone at that age. She thinks she knows everything. But when I look back at myself at her age, I thought I knew everything but actually knew nothing. If someone would have told me I was messing up I would probably not of listened either.

Should I jump in and at least have a more serious talk with her to be sure she is thinking this through? I hate being this over-protective but no one else seems to be looking out for her and I see a train wreck coming. Am I way off base worrying or does anyone else see any reasons for concern?


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