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Torn about relationship decision

Hi Guys,

Im a mid twenties guy living with my girlfriend.

I really love my GF but have never been really attracted to the point of lust with her, like with some previous girlfriends, but she is a very sweet girl, dependable and loyal, we disagree sometimes like any couple but get on well overall.

We have been together 9 years or so and had a great relationship, around 2 years into the relationship I started to get comfortable, gained weight which severely knocked my self confidence, and in 2009 I lost everything financially when my business partner suddenly left our previous business forcing me to close and pay back massive debts. Since 2011 however, I have focused on rebuilding my life and getting fit, now my business is doing well, and I have once again gotten lean and confidence greatly improved.

Recently, I spent a month in Hong Kong and China on business, and since then my outlook on life has completely changed.

Before I left I fully intended to do the right thing and get engaged to my gf and start to settle down by end of year. Whilst I expected to miss her greatly, instead I felt independent and felt great to be out the 'comfort zone' of the relationship, on return, I feel like this relationship, combined with my previous low self esteem has led to me missing out on a lot in life in my late teens/early 20's, and now am not sure if I want to settle down right now.

I have a few working opportunities elsewhere in the world which may involve living away from home that would be good to utilise, in short I feel like I need to re-evaluate my life for a period before I am too old to make changes.

Obviously my GF is starting to continuously ask me about engagement plans etc, completely understandable, and I feel terrible for having these doubts, but then again I don't want to commit to marriage unless I am 100% sure, and something is holding me back right now.

It would be a very messy situation to break up, and be painful for everyone as our lives are so intertwined after all this time, on the other hand however I feel I need the space, and my GF has just gone back into education and can easily meet new people, so maybe now could be the perfect opportunity to reboot my life?

My fear is that, by persuing this course, I will disappoint everyone and end up alone! I just feel very selfish for harbouring these thoughts, as usually I am someone who will attempt to please everyone, even if it means personal sacrifice.

Just could do with input from others who have experienced similar situations, and give me some advice really, thanks for reading!


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