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How bad did I screw up???

When I met my girlfriend she was 10 weeks pregnant. I was recently divorced. My ex found out I was seeing someone and became jealous, wanting to come home. I had no intentions of taking her back. She has put me through hell and back for 15 years. Because we have kids together, I attempted to remain cordial with her. In an attempt to be a jerk (which is totally not in my nature), I would throw an occasional "I miss you" or "I love you" in my text with the ex. I did not mean it, but wanted her to have hope of coming home, so I could then pull the rug out from under her.

A couple weeks before my girlfriends baby was born, she became nosy and looked through my emails. She found these old text messages (6 months old) and distanced herself from me. I was not aware of why she was distant until the day before the baby was born, when she told me why she was upset with me. She said that "we were together then and you had no business sending those messages". I attempted to explain myself, but she would not listen. I have had no contact with my ex for 4 months I was in the delivery room when the baby was born, even cutting the cord. I was even in the post delivery pictures with momma and baby.

Since leaving the hospital, she does not speak with me much. Her mother told me that she is very hurt, because she trusted me and is afraid that I will go back to my ex. Her mother even told me that her hormones have a lot to do with her emotions right now. She does not have the best past, as far as men treating her right and staying in her life. She tells me that we are still together, just taking it slow.

She then says "You act like I'm leaving you and I'm not." I believe that because of her past she is placing her fears onto me. How bad did I screw up and how do I help repair our relationship?


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