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Having "a talk" with my girlfriend tomorrow. She's treating me badly :(


I've made posts on here about my relationship before. Basically, I've been in a 3 month relationship with this girl who I really care about. She's not keen on any sort of physical contact what so ever, I'm lucky to get 1 kiss (which I always have to initiate) whenever I see her, she has never invited me on a date and is frequently "to busy to chat because she's doing homework" (pretty much every time I want to chat). We never have any couple time throughout the term, she tells me she's busy, and I can live with that so I just try to make a bit more of an effort whilst we're on holiday. Yeah, basically it's a one way relationship, which never really bothered me because I have really deep feelings for her.

However, last night I started to text her, excusing her 30 minute response time, we got onto the topic of our relationship and how we were coming up to 3 months. At the end of our conversation, I sent her a text saying, "I've been thinking a little more about progression lately, thoughts?", to which she replied with "k.". Boom, conversation over, nothing more, not "I'm not ready yet", just "K". As anyone can imagine, that's pretty hurtful.

So I went into college today, she would usually say "hi" to me in the corridor, but today she put her head down. I made a point of making eye contact though, and she gave me a smile. I saw her in the canteen, her friends, who are usually happy to see me, blanked me today. There was no conversation, just a series of grunts really. After that, I went to give her my usual kiss goodbye, but she turned her head, so I could only kiss her on the cheek.

Obviously, I was upset. So I sent her a text, saying that I would like to have a chat with her on the phone this evening. She replied, telling me that she didn't want to talk on the phone, she wanted to talk face to face tomorrow and that she wasn't happy. So I confronted her, a short argument broke out, before she just stopped replying.

My main issue is that I just want to be able to discuss my feelings with my girlfriend of 3 months, I want to kiss her properly, I want a little bit of love back because I give her so much. But she's so dismissive and cold, it hurts! My only regret in our relationship is that today, I was so upset I made an indirect tweet, I know it was immature, so I deleted it when she mentioned it. But then again, if you have nothing to feel guilty for, why would you assume it was to do with you?

We're going to have a chat tomorrow, I hope it isn't the end and that we can work something out, but I've got a feeling she's going to break up with me :( I'll be honest, I feel a little bit abused, I've done everything right!


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