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Newbie looking for some advice...

Hi, I'm new here. I was stumbling around the www in an attempt to find some dating advice and perhaps some of you can provide some insight?

I went through a divorce last year (about 9 months ago) and finally left a terrible relationship behind me. It was a joyless, loveless life. We hadn't slept together for over 5 years, and there was ZERO affection of any kind. I'm the kind of person who thrives on affection, and I have decided that I will not live without it in my life. Its not just about sex either, it's about feeling close, being intimate, and sharing that connection. In fact, I would go so far as to say that sex for me in general is far more about the cerebral connection than it is about the physical act.... As far as that goes if it's purely physical, I don't need anyone in my life for that, but I digress....

I started dating a woman that I really like back in January and we have spent a lot of time together. I really enjoy her company, we have many commonalities, and generally share the same values. When we first met, she expressed to me that she is very much like me in that she craves affection and intimacy in a relationship, so that was also a big factor in why I have pursued this.

I see her about 4 or 5 times a week, and often spend the night with her, yet we have not had any kind of intimate contact with one another at all beyond a hug and a short peck. I did tell her a couple of weeks ago that I wanted more, and she explained to me that she is pretty guarded with affection, but that she truly is "that" person when in a relationship.

I'm not the type of man to push the issue and in fact, am probably too coy about things. Whether it's a product of my past experience or a fear of rejection, or something else, I cannot be sure, but it just isn't in me to be aggressive about it with her.

So, anyway.... I find myself feeling that there must be a lack of chemistry on her part??? I understand her feeling a bit guarded, but even at that, I feel that there should have been some sort of chemistry over-riding it; even if by accident... The last thing I want to do is end up in another LTR that is void of intimacy, and I'm feeling that anyone who could remain this platonic while seeing someone as much as we have lacks the same resolve I have about all of it.

Am I crazy to feel this way?

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