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Moods a strain on my relationship

I have struggled with mood swings for nearly 10 years of my life, and they affect all my relationships. It's like PMS but with no regular cycle, just as and when, but especially when stressed.

I've been with my current boyfriend for 4 months, and the same old pattern is emerging and I hate myself for it.

I often get into emotional states during which I'm very sensitive and easily upset. I get very hard for other people to deal with in this state, and often I say a lot of things I don't mean, or get upset by something and 'overreact' (is what I'm told). Often I think I'm being completely reasonable, but others disagree.

When I'm in the middle of it all I find it very difficult to control myself, particularly when I'm being provoked. My boyfriend often makes cruel and vindictive remarks when I'm upset, and it makes it worse.

I keep apologising but it's not really enough, I need to change but I don't know how.

How can I deal with this in my relationship?

Most of the time I am nice to be around, and very loving and devoted in my relationship. However, I hate myself for how I behave when my emotions get out of control. Any advice?

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