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What's so good about this kind of lifestyle?

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My boyfriend and his two good mates,a guy and a girl, of whom are also a couple, are complete stoners in my opinion. They all work full-time, but in the evenings they just smoke joint after joint, and I don't understand it.
They don't live far from us, and every time I have been,their flat is an absolute pigsty. It is absolutely horrific, and I think they should be ashamed of themselves.
We've just spent NYE with them, and I had made an effort to do my hair etc. and put on a nice outfit, so I felt like a bit of a fool when I arrived and the girl was in pyjamas and hadn't even washed her hair.
As the night went on, the conversation dropped more and more because they were stoned as hell, it was just like sitting with a bunch of zombies. It's not the first time either. It's not like they have the occasional joint, they smoke it every single night and have done for a long time, and seem to have no intention of quitting.
I just cannot understand it. We are all in our early 20s, in good enough health, and they could really do better as people. Should I say something? Does it sound like they're addicted? Thanks in advance and sorry if I sound judgmental.


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