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need help fast.

I have been dating this girl for almost 5 years now. For some backstory her mom is borderline and has married an allegedly abusive police officer. The family is from money and my ex was left with a small trust fund. My ex was abused growing up and has lost it several times due to situations with her mother.

Most of her friends and exs have been somewhat unbalanced.
I was able to get her out of her situation and we had lived together for three years. Her mom at one point in our relationship threatened to kill us and was institutionalized. Anyways her mom and one of her friends have worked their way back into her life ( mainly through buying her a 30,000 dollar car.) and convinced her to leave leave me for one of her exs. She has a house that I was able to purchase for her in cash using the trust fund.we lived their together. She kicked me out. And now she is not living there.

Her mom convinced her that I am beneath her because I do not have the breeding that she does. ( it's funny as her mom was adopted and I come from a well established family.)

She just left an moved in with this guy the next day. Now I am being harassed by the mom and the boyfriend has threatened me with a restraining order.
I have been defending her from manipulation for years. But now I'm worried that she will self destruct. How do I help her?

I know that I should move on but I can't help worrying as she is not paying bills or her insurance. She plans on moving in the next couple of months with him to California. However she quit her job the day after she left me. She won't contact me because in her words I have nothing good to add to her life.

Any advice would be apreciated


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