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Help Staring at attractive guy, don't know how to progress further

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Guys I feel like this sounds so stupid but I need some advice on a particular issue with an attractive work colleague.

I met him about 5 months ago a few weeks after starting my job and immediately we got chatting and got on very well. He initiated the conversation and at this point I didn't really think that much of him. Since then I see about once every 2 weeks but I feel as if the situation is now getting awkward.

One of the times he walked into the office to have lunch and I couldn't keep my eyes off him. We were both staring at each other for what seemed like forever but about 7 seconds in real life. I then took a bite into my lunch while we were staring at each other. I then realised what I was doing and looked down. However over the next 15 mins I noticed that he glanced at me at least once.

A few weeks after this I was walking down the corridor and he was walking in the opposite direction. I just froze wheb I saw him because he looked so good. I was on the phone at the time but he was looking at me and then smiled and I just stood there, didn't smile because I was thinking how good he looked and me eyes were fixated on him until he walked past me.

I had another run in with him where I had just got into work and I was walking in one direction and he was blatantly staring at me. As soon as I noticed what he was doing I started looking at the floor because I didn't want to smile at him after what had happened at lunch the other week.

Last week I then had another run in with him in the office. He walked in and I was at a computer. As soon as I saw him I looked away so fast my head hurt after turning my neck round. He then stood right in front of me and stared at me for a few seconds. I looked up and tried to smile but it didnt happen, I still had a straight look on my face. He would have seen me turn my head round very quickly. Anyway while he was using the computer he was making a few weird faces that I could see out of the corner of my eye. When he finished on the computer he stood up and started at me for a few more seconds and then looked away for 1 second a D then started at me again for another few seconds before walking off. As he was walking off I couldn't stop looking at him. When I saw him walking towards me in the office my heart started to beat so fast out of my chest and I couldn't even smile properly at him or say hi because of this.

From the above what do guys think is going on. I really really like this guy but get so nervous when I'm around him that I can't get my words out. From what I've described would you say that he likes me too or is he just staring because he thinks I'm a weird person for staring at him. How do I resolve this situation without it being awkward because at the moment it feels so awkward. Ive never had a relationship before which is why this all seems so weird to me - I just can't figure out whether he likes me or not. Does anyone have any advice about what to do in this situation? It really honestly would be so appreciated because I'm so stuck with trying to figure it e out whether he likes me or not.


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