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Invited himself over to my house but hasn't turned up

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Okay so me and this guy have known each other since we were 5 (we're both 17 now). We've recently become good friends and I have a massive crush on him and I think he likes me too.

So it was the last day of term and he asked where exactly I lived and then he said 'I'll visit you over the holiday'. I agreed and it was settled at that. I had no time, no day or anything since we don't have each others phone numbers. We're both really shy so it took a lot of courage for him to say this. He's already asked me out twice indirectly but neither times have we arranged an actual date.

My question is: why hasn't he turned up and why is he acting like this? I'm not sure if it's just because he's really shy and awkward, just as I am, or if it's because he's just not interested. If we were to go out, this would be the first relationship for both of us. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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